There are various grants opportunities available through the Town of Perth and via other sources:
Community Employment Services - Algonquin College Perth ON |
Community Employment Services (CES) is the local administrator for many government programs such as: the Canada-Ontario Job Grant for workforce training funds; the Job Matching, Placement & Incentives program for staffing needs; the Apprenticeship Employer Signing Bonus hiring incentive; plus CES offer programs to hire youth that come with financial incentives such as the Youth Job Connection program and Youth Job Link. Plus, CES effectively assists employers with all government forms and applications.
Perth employers can post jobs for free, access our resume pool, consult CES for hiring tips and all human resourcing topics, plus much more. All of CES services are free-of-charge; these Employment Ontario programs and services are funded in part by the Government of Canada and are administered by Algonquin College in the Perth area. CES is located at the Factory in Perth, 40 Sunset Boulevard. To get started, visit CES Perth or call 613-267-1381. |
Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Grants |
The CIP offers significant commitments with both financial incentives and leadership programming initiatives. Businesses within the area indicated on the CIP Map are eligible to apply to these programs.
Heritage Building Restoration Grant |
This grant is available to the owner(s) of heritage properties (industrial, commercial, or residential) who have completed an approved restoration of a heritage feature of a designated property. Contact Cathy McNally for more info at 613-267-3311 Ext 2227 or |
Community Grant Program |
The Community Grant Program provides a cost-sharing financial assistance program for community organizations for Community Development initiatives, Tourism initiatives, and Economic Development Initiatives. Program Description and Application Contact Cathy McNally for more info at 613-267-3311 Ext 2227 or |
Secondary Unit Grant Program |
The Secondary Unit Grant Program provides homeowners with a grant of up to $5,000 to construct either an addition to an existing house as an additional dwelling or an accessory structure functioning as a second dwelling on the property. Secondary Unit Grant Program Application Form Secondary Unit Information Sheet Contact the Development Department for more information at 613-267-3311 Ext 2235 or |
Federal funding incentives |
There is government money available to help with your business expenses, but you'll need to meet very specific criteria to qualify for it. |
Ontario funding programs |
Access the Ontario government's free, online directory of tax incentives, tax credits and government support programs for business. The Ontario Business Program Guide is updated regularly, so revisit it periodically to see what's new. Typically, users should be prepared to spend 10 to 20 minutes navigating the guide and reading its entries to find relevant programs. |
Valley Heartland CFDC funding incentives |
Valley Heartland Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) is a community-based organization dedicated to stimulating job creation and economic growth through business and community development. Funded by FedDev, Valley Heartland CFDC assists small towns and rural communities to strengthen and diversify their economies. |
Sponsorships |
The Town of Perth Sponsorship, Naming and Advertising Policy outlines how these activities work within the operation of the Town. In accordance with the Policy, this Sponsorship Application must be completed prior to any sponsorship agreement with the Town of Perth. |